The Old Guard DKP Policy

Solfrost · 7124


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    • Posts: 34
on: February 09, 2009, 01:08:48 PM
Starting with the 02/10/2009 Raiding Week, The Old Guard will be implementing a DKP policy for distributing loot.  This will apply to all Guilded and Guest raiders.

All raiders will start at 0 points and accumulate them per the policies stated below.  The DKP system is cumulative and will apply to all 25-man content.  It will NOT apply to 10-man content.  When the guild officially begins raiding in a new piece of content in the future (such as Ulduar), all raiders will have their points reset, keeping a small percentage of what they had previously (to be determined, likely 5-10%) and loot in older instances will be distributed by random rolls at some announced time rather than be subject to the DKP policy.  In addition to a reset with new content, all points will be subject to a weekly 10% decay with a minimum decay of 1 point (decay will never reduce a total higher than 1 below 1, and totals of 0 will not be affected).  Keep in mind a typical raid week is likely to generate 6 to 12 points per raiding day, or 18 to 36 points for the week with our current schedule.

Point Accumulation:
  • 1 Point per Hour of the Raid (rounded up), 2 Points for each Hour over the normal stop time (11pm) or for "Glass-Chewing" raids
  • 1 Point per Hour of the Raid while on Backup
  • 1 Point per Boss Killed
  • +1 Bonus for showing up and being ready to go ON TIME (cut off for this bonus is 7:45pm)
  • +1 Bonus for being present the entire run (7:45-11pm)
  • +1 Bonus for being available for the entire run as Backup
  • +1 Bonus for being present during a first Boss Kill

  • Points are not added to your total until AFTER the raid night is complete, they will be updated and available before the next scheduled raid night.

Bidding on items (Spend-Enough DKP System):

Bidding will have 3 rounds:  main spec's-->off spec's-->open roll.

Main spec's
When an item is up for Bid, the loot master will declare which Roles are applicable for the first round of Bidding (such as Tanks, or Ranged DPS).  If you fall under the applicable Role and you are interested in the item, you will /roll to declare your bid.  Please note, the value of the roll is irrelevant.  Amongst those who are interested, the raider with the highest DKP point total will be awarded the item.  In the case of a tie, a seperate roll will be made.  The cost of the item to the winner will be the total points of the next eligible raider, +1 (if Bob (50 points) and Jill (30 points) both want the item, Bob will get it, and it will cost him 31 points).  Please note, all members of the raid of a particular role are considered eligible, even if they did not bid.  If there are no eligible raiders below the bidder, the minimum cost of an item is 5 points.  This may take people below 0 points in some cases.


Same cost determination as main specs will apply, but eligible raiders in this case will only include all classes/offspecs capable of using that item.

Open Roll

All raiders capable of using that item is eligible to roll, and for this final round, the highest roll will win the item.  The item itself will cost the minimum 5 points for this final round of bidding.  If no interest, item will be banked or DE'ed.

One minor exception for this is with Tanking gear, which will have a second round of restricted bidding before being open to Offspecs.  The first round of bidding is restricted to designated Tanks, and the second is restricted to Backup Tanks.  This is done in the best interest of raid progression, and is not intended to intentionally disqualify any particular raiders from having a fair chance at the items in question.

Points used to purchase items will be deducted immediately from your total.

The DKP site is here:

You can view your points and the Role you are currently assigned to.  If you have issues with either please contact Nanako, Chichan or Sprig.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 12:43:56 PM by Chiharu »