Code of Conduct

Nanako · 7779


  • The GM
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    • Posts: 6222
on: November 30, 2010, 01:46:03 PM
Code of Conduct

The Old Guard started near the end of summer before the release of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. We started as a group of friends from other raiding guilds on Earthen Ring with the intent of raiding and clearing 10 man content. Through time and commitment, we have grown into a community with enough active members to clear 25 man raid content.

We do our best to maintain a social, drama-free and lighthearted environment while keeping high standards of conduct, dedication and performance in raids. We frown upon elitism and strive to treat all members fairly.

Our current goal is to keep our raiding force solid, balanced, fully geared and competitive enough to complete 25 man raid content in the game.  We are continuing to look for good people who love to raid. To expand upon that, we're always looking for friendly, skilled and mature players who enjoy experiencing and progressing through PvE content.

General Rules

Members are expected to be mature in their conduct and dealings.  It is expected that the members are able to control themselves and have the maturity level beyond a 5 year old.  Remember your actions reflect on the rest of the guild.  Trolling and harassing in public channels such as trade chat will not be tolerated when you have an Old Guard guild tag under your name.

Members are responsible for their conduct in and out of the guild.  When a raid is scheduled and you have signed up, you are expected to show up on time and to be prepared.  24 other people are counting on you showing up when you said you will.  We have little use for raiders that do not comprehend that.  This includes signing up and not showing up for non-official raid nights (alt runs, retro-raid nights, etc). Bottom-line, do what you say you are going to do or don't sign-up at all.

Members are expected to help out their guildmates in their times of need in the game, whether it be crafting an item or filling in the last spot in an instance run, within reason.  Sometimes sucking it up and helping a guild member is one of the most important aspects of being in a guild.

It should go without saying, but members are expected to respect other players in the guild.  

Guild Chat
Guild chat is considered OOC, Out of Character, so pretty much anything within reason can be discussed.  It is up to everyone's better judgement on what is appropriate for discussion.  Here are some basic guidelines:
  • Use basic English.  Take an extra second or two to word your comments properly.  It will create a more pleasant chat experience for all members.
  • If you send several messages to guild chat expecting but not receiving a response, chances are other members are busy.  Continuing to send messages may be considered annoying.  Refrain from sending further messages until you see a response or some time has passed.
  • Watch your profanity.  We are a mature audience and profanity is tolerated in moderation.  However the f-bomb flying every other message is not acceptable.
  • No politics or religion.  Neither has a place in our public channels.  Take it offline.
  • Race or orientation.  Those issues do not have a place in our public channels.
  • No personal attacks.  There is never a reason to personally attack another member in a public channel, be it guild or raid chat.

Handling Problems
Inevitably problems will arise between guild members or against the guild.  While this can’t be avoided, talking about it in public chat or on the forums can.  Any issues you face are to be brought directly to an officer or the guild master.  If none are online at the current time, PM one of them through the forums or the in-game mail system.  If there is an issue with a guild officer, please bring it to the guild masters attention.

Problems should be dealt with privately with as little disruption to the daily operations of the guild as possible.

We Do Not Tolerate...
  • Drama.  Many of us pay money to play this game to enjoy ourselves, not to listen to every slight taken by someone as a massive blow to their self esteem and/or playing ability.  The gear will come.  The experience will come.
  • Harassment of any other player in the game.  It is just unacceptable.
  • Whining and complaining.  There's a difference between this and constructive dissent.  It is welcomed in private.  Constructive dissent is best done on the forums so other guildies can discuss issues openly in an organized manner.
  • Applying to another guild while still in the Old Guard.  We wish you the best but you should notify an officer or the guild master first as to why and then leave the guild before applying.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 10:32:54 AM by Nanako »