Killing spree!

Nanako · 7425


  • The GM
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    • Posts: 6222
on: December 18, 2017, 07:23:02 PM
The past week, the Old Guard made sure to to eat their Wheaties, keep stim packs on hand and grab a star.  These power-ups lead to a memorable killing spree through Antorus lower ranks.

Our first set of victims (we don't count Garothi) were the Antoran High Command.  They put up some early resistance but were ultimately shown to be terrible commanders.  The only real challenge was the elevator boss leading into their room which proved to be the most deadly weapon in their arsenal.  Our raid team gladly relinquished them of their pods and commandeered their loot.

Next on the docket were the Felhounds of Sargeras.  These puppies decided to try to use our tanks as squeaky toys.  Having to listen to a gnome and pally "squeak" didn't sit well with many of our raiders (especially the healers..!)  After a few pulls we quickly taught the temperamental puppies how to roll over and stay dead.

After the pet training session, we decided to wander over to Portal Keeper Hasabel's room to see if there was a faster way to get around the dungeon. After a few rounds of dancing with her, we finally figured out how to operate the portals and proceeded to turn them against her.

Unfortunately, despite our new mastery of portals, we still couldn't find a faster way to get around Antorus. We did however discover the essence of Eonar the Life-Binder in a nearby room.  Our team decided to be courteous to Eonar by helping her kill the adds attempting to swarm her domain.  We dug in deep to our pool of experience grinding away in tower defense games for this task to dispatch her assailants!

After freeing Eonar, we finally found a portal to go deeper into Antorus. The portal deposited us at the end of a long bridge and like most foul bridges, there was a bridge troll named Imonar the Soulhunter guarding it.  He demanded we pay for passage with our lives.  Our preference is to continue living so we decided to send him the bill collect for our passage.  The Soulhunter become the hunted and we left him behind in a crumpled mess.

Never a group to rest (too often) on our own laurels, we decided that ought to do something about that demon sitting at the end of the bridge, Kin'garoth. We learned how to effectively shut down his constructs while dodging beams and rolling bombs of death, adding one more notch on the artifacts for the week.  Time to get off this crumbling bridge and to the throne itself!

This killing spree through Heroic Antorus, The Burning Throne, brings the Old Guard to 7/11.  What lays further within?  Will the tormented world soul be saved?  All these questions will have to be answered as we delve deeper into the heart of Argus itself.  

--Filed by Toolazi