And nobody knows it like the
Old Guard... To think that all the skies in all the worlds might just turn dark, if they ever give up on it.
After only a couple nights of hard work, a few very close calls, some adjustments in strategies...
..and great leadership by our Ret-Paladin turned Tank
Arcadien, a few of our most resilient raiders managed to down
Heroic Madness of Deathwing, closing this chapter with a record of 8/8H, and once again saving the world from the impending Cataclysm.
Congratulations to the new
Saviors of Azeroth!
Arcadien received a new mount for his efforts...
« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 06:02:52 PM by Nanako »
"I have a wonderful recipe. Bring two gnomes, two eggs. Beat Gnomes, separate the eggs- or was it... eh, details."