2011 OGAWDs Winners!

Nanako · 2876


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on: August 30, 2011, 08:34:24 PM
The Old Guard Awards for Wonderous Deeds, OGAWDs, are awards that recognizes outstanding achievements in the Old Guard.  The nominees for each category were selected by the guild and the winners voted on by the guild in a secret ballot.  The winners were announced at a small ceremony Tuesday night.  Each winner was rewarded with one million copper pieces and awards.

And now the recipients for our second annual Old Guard Awards for Wonderous Deeds!

OMG What Happened?
Most spectacular raid wipe caused by one of our members.
Wondered what picking up the feather does in Alysrazor room.  Saved many in the raid from that future embarrassment.

32.3333% (Repeating, Of Course) Chance Of Survival
To the member that has a great love for theory crafting and isn't afraid to show it.

Witty Repertoire
Always has a response to every comment.  Guild smartass.

Singing Sunflower Award
To the member that always seems to have a song to share on vent.

To the member with the sexiest voice on vent.

OG Ventriloquist
Chattiest member on vent
Naterra and Rorix

Miss Congeniality
The friendliest member in the guild!

Sexiest Gnome
Self explanatory.  Half gnomes are accepted.

Achievement Junkie
To the member who always always seems to be spamming new achievements in guild chat!

The Lord of the Lag
To the member that always seems to be lagging out or disconnecting during boss battles.

I Ate A Baby
To the member who always seems to make gnome-eating references.  

Old Guard MVP
Our most valuable guild member of the year.

We also handed out some additional awards calculated by PricewaterhouseCoopersDharmah.

It Cost Me An Arm And A Leg
The guild member that has spent most DKP spent on an item.
Mantle of the Forlorn Protector BoT 25m - 127dkp

To the guildmate that has bought the most raid gear with low bids.
48 times

Lucky Charm
The raider who got the most gear the fastest
67% - 6 loot in the 9 raids he attended.

Someone Please Decurse Me
The unluckiest raider when it comes to gear.
4% - 1 loot in the 25 raids he attended

Congratulations to all of the winners!  Your check is in the mail!
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 09:16:41 PM by Nanako »



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Reply #1 on: August 31, 2011, 12:25:32 PM
I demand a recount, I AM THE SEXIEST GNOME!!!!


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Reply #2 on: August 31, 2011, 05:31:18 PM
Congrats all.

"Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it. It's too risky. Ya get a sense of it and then you look away." - Jerry Seinfeld