The Old Guard - Earthen Ring

Public Discussion => News => Topic started by: Nanako on December 20, 2016, 07:42:23 PM

Title: A test of worthiness
Post by: Nanako on December 20, 2016, 07:42:23 PM
With heroic Emerald Nightmare all but in camp status since the end of October and heroic ToV more challenging than mythic Emerald Nightmare, we had a bit of a dilemma -  Reduce our raid to the 20 man size needed to enter mythics or just throw ourselves at heroic Odyn to see if we can get it down... 

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The Old Guard managed to down heroic Odyn on Dec 9 before the major mid Dec nerfs.  It is a very unforgiving and long fight but we managed to get through it with some hard fought effort.  This bring the Old Guard to 1/3 in the heroic Trial of Valor.